Sunday, August 18, 2013

Things to do in Farcry 3 when your bored

1.Block the road with a car or something else so that civilian or pirate vehicles will stop in front of it.
(i recommend civilian cars so they wont attack you). Then put c4 or put a landmine on the road in front of them and move you car out of the way.Watch the fun. KABOOM

2.Another thing to do FARCRY 3 BLOOD DRAGON

Thursday, August 8, 2013


BATTLEFIELD 3 ....... cooolll

no words needed

this mix up is just awesome
guess all the games..

This is just too great.

awesome BF3 bike vs helicopter.

just plain awesomeness.

A vacation in hell

Ahhhh FAR CRY 3 one of the most awesome games i played.
not only because of the story but also the awesome rpg and open world exploration and all those wild animals.... and the annoying komodo dragon.

  <-------komodo dragons in far cry 3.

Remember Reach

Any one remember Halo Reach of Bungie? yeah? well to me thats the best game they made and its still very fun now.So im recommending it if you have an xbox 360.

CS GO awesome!

the installation was finished and  i started playing it.The gameplay was awesome!
here is a picture.

Some of my favorite games...

these are some of my best and awesome games
 Modern Warfare 1
BattleField 3

AND those are some of my gameplay screenshots :D


Yes i just got CS GO going to play it once its installed! I use steam by the way so if you have  add me! my name is Raptor.