Thursday, October 10, 2013


sup awesome gamers
god i want ARMA 3 I'm getting probably this weekend but this is also a review

Arma 3 is an awesome open world sandbox where you can create armies composed of tanks,infantry,helicopters and jets! you get to play in 2 islands namely stratis and altis .
its very fun and probably gone lag a lot but my computer is good so yeah :D

NEW game watchdogs review

hey there is a new game called watchdogs and i would like to review it. I've been to the official website and i have seen the 14 minute gameplay demo. THE GAME HAS EVERYTHING. IT has a free roam where you can roam around cities like chicago. you can also hack alms everything like forklifts,EXPLOSIVES and more!

watchdogs also has action and it follows the players type of gameplay 
wether the player is a stithy tips, action type with everyone shooting.

its coming out somewhere in November 

Monday, October 7, 2013

new games that are coming

hey guys there are like,so many new games coming and also the new consoles ps4 and xbox one.
some games that you should get is assassins creed black flag , BATTLEFIELD 4, oh by the way bf4 beta is out for download on Origin! there is also Watch Dogs by Ubisoft.
man im so excited for these upcoming games.IF any of you guys know ARMA 3 im getting it.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Review of Left 4 dead 2

ok guys first of... LEFT 4 DEAD 2 is one of the best games i played and still playing now.
has awesome multiplayer and single player though campaign  can be played coop.
it is very awesome but some sounds are really loud so don't make it loud on your headphones.DO NOT DO THAT KIDS.DO NOT DO THAT. the guns sizes are bigger than the last left 4 dead.There are many new weapons and game modes for left 4 dead 2 like scavenge and mutation.ANYWAY ITS FUN play it. especially on steam